Exemple d'attestation de travail en anglais
Here's an example of a work certificate or attestation of employment in English:
I, [Name and surname of employer], the duly authorized representative of [Name of company], hereby certify that Mr./Ms. [Name and surname of employee], born on [Date of birth], has been employed by our company as a [Job title or position] from [Start date of employment].
During the course of his/her employment, Mr./Ms. [Name and surname of employee] has been responsible for the following duties: [Description of the employee's main duties and responsibilities].
His/her gross monthly salary was [Salary amount] MAD and he/she was entitled to [Description of any bonuses or benefits].
The weekly working hours of Mr./Ms. [Name and surname of employee] was [Number of hours per week].
This work certificate is issued at the request of the interested party and for whatever purpose it may serve.
Given at [City], on [Date of issuance of the certificate].
[Name and surname of employer]
[Employer's signature]
It's important to note that this example can be adapted and personalized according to the specific needs of each company and employee.
Modèle d'attestation de travail en anglais ( work certificate )
Si vous cherchez une attestation de travail en anglais, vous êtes alors au bon endroit, Vous trouvez ci-après 2 exemples d'attestation de travail en anglais à télécharger en formats word et pdf. Vous pouvez les imprimer ou les éditer selon vos besoins.La bonne traduction d'attestation de travail en alglais c'est : work certificate

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